Universe Song - by Free TEMPO

I T69 U 2009. 3. 11. 12:25


Universe Song - by Free TEMPO

I wAnt tO tHink oF You
I HaVe iTs drEam Come trUe
I wiThOut fail paSs thRougH,
I ThiNk on foRevEr

yoU aLwAys ThinK Of mE,
I AlwaYs thInk oF yoU
I tHiNk yOu. It's mY fAte
I ThiNk on foRevEr

I wiSh YouR sidE
I Wish yoUr siDe
I wisH tO stArS

I'm witH YouR hAnd
I'm With yoUr HeaRt
I WiSh yOu ArE aNyTime

I'm witH YouR hAnd
I'm With yoUr HeaRt
I ThiNk on foRevEr...

yoU sTar  Is   Me.....

It's tRying   tO    Smile.....





