
福島第一 Fukushima ☢ Nuclear Blast?

I T69 U 2011. 5. 16. 06:19

福島第一 Fukushima ☢ Nuclear Blast?

Professor Christopher Busby: "I believe that the explosion of the No 3 reactor may have also involved criticality but this must await the release of data on measurements of the Xenon isotope ratios." [*]

As evidence that a nuclear explosion could happen at a nuclear-power plant, Busby cited recent findings that the Chernobyl explosion may have been driven by a release of nuclear energy, not chemical (hydrogen) energy as has been assumed. These important findings were reported in a paper in Pure and Applied Geophysics


that reads:

"The alternative version [ of how Chernobyl exploded ] is based on the assumption of a large instant energy release of nuclear energy. Convincing evidence in favor of this version was for the first time obtained by Radium Institute employees on the basis of an analysis of atmospheric xenon radionuclide samples collected in the area of Cherepovetz and of the analysis of the value of 133Xe/133mXe isomers activity ratios. [...] it should be acknowledged that the hypothesis of a nuclear mechanism of enormous instant energy yield in the Chernobyl accident seems quite convincing, as is supported by experimental data; these data are in good agreement with the calculated results."

翻訳 http://translate.google.com

教授クリストファーBusbyさん:"私は3号炉の爆発は、臨界関与している可能性がありますが、これはキセノン同位体比の測定上のデータのリリースを待たなければならな­いと考えています。" [*]



"[はチェルノブイリが爆発した方法]を別のバージョンの原子力エネルギーの大規模なインスタントエネルギー放出の前提に基づいています。このバージョンの有利な証拠を説­得Cherepovetzの領域で133Xe/133mXe異性体の活性比の値の分析の収集大気キセノン放射性核種の試料の分析に基づいて、ラジウム研究所の従業員によっ­て得られた初めてのこと。 [...]それは実験データでサポートされている、チェルノブイリ事故で膨大なインスタントエネルギー収率の核メカニズムの仮説はかなり説得力のあるようだ承認されるべき­です。これらのデータは、計算結果とよく一致している。"


Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen observes that the explosion of Fukushima Unit 3 was a *detonation* which therefore can't be explained by a hydrogen-gas explosion alone. Joining Professor Busby, Gundersen posits a nuclear (not hydrogen gas) explosion to explain the massive blast of Unit 3...

原子力技術ア Arnie Gundersen さんは、福島3号機の爆発したがって、単独で水素ガスの爆発では説明できない*デトネーション*されたことを観察する。教授バズビーへの参加、Gundersenさんは、­3号機の大規模な爆発を説明するために核(ない水素ガス)爆発の仮説...

See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9lv5foUItM


Dr Busby on Chernobyl and Fukushima Unit 3:

Dr Busby's site: http://llrc.org

Tepco's Unit-3 blast press release

Special thanks to HyperIndividualist for feedback and research support toward this video!

[*] http://www.infowars.com/top-scientist-fukushima-meltdown-could-experience-ato...

Fukushima Unit 3 ☢ Two Theories - 福島第一原発3号機

さんが 2011/05/04 にアップロード

In this Unit-3 update the fact that Unit 1 had weaker upper-deck walls is considered as a possible causal factor in the differences between the Unit 1 and 3 explosions. Also considered is how the stronger walls of Unit 3 might have helped a hydrogen explosion initiate a prompt criticality.


Supplemental Evidence That Unit-1 Walls Differed From Units 3 & 4

GE's Mark-1-reactor illustration shows weaker upper-deck structure seen on Unit 1: http://clubtroppo.com.au/files/2011/03/GE_BWR_cut-away.jpg

Upper-deck walls inside Unit 3 seen here:

Examples of solid concrete construction of Unit 4 at upper-deck section (as seen in this video, the infrastructure of Unit 3 matches Unit 4):


Photo from upper-deck interior showing non-concrete walls and lattice girders (NPP unknown, but containment matches Unit 1)

Photos of Corrugated Sheet-Metal Siding Used for Unit-1 Walls Blown Off on Ground

Contrary to conventional theory, it may be the case that nuclear power plants can have nuclear explosions. Recent findings indicate the Chernobyl explosion may have been driven by an explosive release of nuclear energy, not a hydrogen explosion are previously assumed. These important findings were reported in a paper in 'Pure and Applied Geophysics'


which reads:

"The alternative version [ of how Chernobyl exploded ] is based on the assumption of a large instant energy release of nuclear energy. Convincing evidence in favor of this version was for the first time obtained by Radium Institute employees on the basis of an analysis of atmospheric xenon radionuclide samples collected in the area of Cherepovetz and of the analysis of the value of 133Xe/133mXe isomers activity ratios. [...] it should be acknowledged that the hypothesis of a nuclear mechanism of enormous instant energy yield in the Chernobyl accident seems quite convincing, as is supported by experimental data; these data are in good agreement with the calculated results."

翻訳 http://translate.google.com



"[はチェルノブイリが爆発した方法]を別のバージョンの原子力エネルギーの大規模なインスタントエネルギー放出の前提に基づいています。このバージョンの有利な証拠を説­­得Cherepovetzの領域で133Xe/133mXe異性体の活性比の値の分析の収集大気キセノン放射性核種の試料の分析に基づいて、ラジウム研究所の従業員によ­っ­て得られた初めてのこと。 [...]それは実験データでサポートされている、チェルノブイリ事故で膨大なインスタントエネルギー収率の核メカニズムの仮説はかなり説得力のあるようだ承認されるべき­­です。これらのデータは、計算結果とよく一致している。"