目黒さんま祭り 6000匹無料提供に大賑わい 更新: 2008/09/07(11:59) 東京・目黒駅前の商店街では、秋の味覚のさんまが無料で振舞われています。 今年で13回目となるこのイベントは、江戸時代に殿様が狩りの帰りに食べた目黒のさんまを忘れられないという古典落語にちなんで開催されるよ うになりました。7日は、.. 仁/便 2008.09.08
HiMAT HiMAT on lakebed after landing January 3, 1980 HiMAT subscale research vehicle mated to B-52 mothership in flight, closeup view December 30, 1980 HiMAT subscale research vehicle mated to B-52 mothership in flight December 30, 1980 HiMAT in flight December 30, 1980 慧/利 2008.09.06
Helios Equipped with an experimental fuel cell system to power the aircraft at night, the solar-electric Helios Prototype is shown during a checkout flight prior to its long-endurance flight demonstration June 7, 2003 ED03-0152-1 ED03-0152-1 NASA's Helios Prototype electrically powered flying wing began a checkout flight June 7 from the Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on the Hawaiian island of K.. 慧/利 2008.09.06