WTI Crude Oil Price Chart - LIVE REAL TIME WTI Crude Oil Price Chart - LIVE REAL TIME &nbsp BRENT CRUDE FUTURE (USD/bbl.) 6 Month Flash Player 9 or higher is required to view the chart Click here to download Flash Player now View the full FUTURE:SC00 chart at Wikinvest 經/引 2009.10.29
Baltic Dry Index - BDI (BALDRY) Unless indicated otherwise: intraday data is at least 15 minutes delayed; mutual fund NAVs are updated at the close of every market day; all prices are in the local currency; Time is ET. 6개월 간 추이 Flash Player 9 or higher is required to view the chart Click here to download Flash Player nowView the full INDEX:BDIY chart at Wikinvest WikiInvest차트가 로.. 經/引 2009.05.02
경제관련 유용한 사이트 *국제금융센터 -CDS 프리미엄 수치 확인 http://www.kcif.or.kr/ http://www.dbresearch.com/servlet/reweb2.ReWEB?rwobj=cdscalc.Start.class&rwdspl=0&rwnode=DBR_INTERNET_EN-PROD%24CDS&rwsite=DBR_INTERNET_EN-PRODcd&cdsCountry=CDSC0000000000000003&cdsRecRate=25 *IRS CRS, 각종 채권 http://www.ksdabond.or.kr/SMPS/index.asp?id=m06_0501 *Credit Spreads, Yield Spreads, Bond Market Info on U.. 經/Topic 2008.11.19
2008-10-06, Europe Black Monday 유럽 지수명 종가 변동폭 변동률(%) 날짜 프랑스 3711.98 ▼368.77 ▼9.04% 10/06 17:19 독일 5387.01 ▼410.02 ▼7.07% 10/06 18:00 영국 4589.19 ▼391.11 ▼7.85% 10/06 17:00 이탈리아 17976.00 ▼1615.00 ▼8.24% 10/06 17:59 스위스 6458.72 ▼433.17 ▼6.29% 10/06 19:00 덴마크 312.59 ▼38.88 ▼11.06% 10/06 18:59 오스트리아 2585.13.. 經/Topic 2008.10.07