
When the power of love overcomes the love of power

I T69 U 2008. 8. 24. 23:01

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

사랑에 대한 힘이 힘에 대한 사랑을 이길때, 세상은 평화를 알것이다.

- Sri Chimnoy Chose

Chinmoy Kumar Ghose(Chose) : also known as Sri Chinmoy (August 27, 1931 – October 11, 2007) was an Indian spiritual teacher, poet, artist and athlete who immigrated to the U.S. in 1964., the founder of the religious organization "Sri Chinmoy Centre Church, Inc." better known as "Sri Chinmoy Centre". According to his followers, Sri Chinmoy wrote 1,500 books, 115,000 poems and 20,000 songs, created 200,000 paintings and gave almost 800 free peace concerts in notable venues around the world.[3][4] As a spiritual Master, he advocated meditation, chanting mantras and prayers, performing dedicated service to God as a way to personal enlightenment, or God-realisation as described by Eastern religions, including Sri Aurobindo's spiritual teaching.

Chinmoy Kumar Ghose(정식 이름) : 통상 Sri Chinmoy(August 27, 1931 – October 11, 2007)로 알려져 있으며 인도 벵갈지방 출신으로1964년 미국 뉴욕에 체재했던 요가 지도자이며 종교가, 철학자, 문필가, Athlete, 작곡가 겸 연주가, 힌두교 영적지도자 Guru이다.
Arjuna(梵語 : अर्जुन, 힌두교 성전의 하나인 서사시 Mahābhārata(梵語 : महाभारत)에 등장하는 영웅의 화신을 자처하며 애제자에는 육상선수 칼루이스가 있다.
음악, 회화, 문학을 창작하며 세계각지에서 무료로 콘서트, 공개 명상회, 강연활동 등을 했다.

출처 : 영문/일문 Wikipedia




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