
설원 속 보브캣 vs 사향쥐 '혈투' 승자는?

I T69 U 2014. 1. 5. 19:29

설원 속 보브캣 vs 사향쥐 '혈투' 승자는?

입력: 2014.01.05 ㅣ 수정 2014.01.05 18:37

[서울신문 나우뉴스]

살쾡이와 비슷하게 생긴 고양이과에 속하는 보브캣(bobcat)과 머스크랫(musk rat)이라 불리는 사향쥐의 혈투가 카메라에 포착됐다.

최근 미국 아이다호의 설원에서 촬영된 사진 속 주인공은 배고픈 보브캣과 천적에게 걸려든 사향쥐. 눈 속에서 천적과 정면으로 딱 마주친 사향쥐는 놀랍게도 도망치기 보다는 장렬한 전투를 택했다.

약 30cm 내외의 몸길이를 가진 사향쥐는 그러나 채 1분도 지나지 않아 제대로 덤벼보지도 못하고 보브캣에게 당했다.

이 장면을 포착한 사진작가 마이클 퀸톤(60)은 "보브캣은 특유의 후각 능력으로 설원 속에서 먹잇감을 잘 찾아낸다" 면서 "사향쥐를 한번에 제압한 보브캣은 '저녁감'을 입에 물고 어디론가 사라졌다"고 밝혔다.

Muskrat's last stand: Fearless rodent fights to the death after being cornered by a hungry bobcat

By Simon Tomlinson


This fearless muskrat fought to the bitter end fight when it was cornered by a bobcat who hoped to eat it for dinner.

Photographer Michael Quinton, 60, watched as the pair scrapped against the backdrop of pristine white snow in Idaho, United States.

However, despite its best efforts the muskrat lost its battle and was taken away to be eaten.

Eyes on the prize: A bobcat squares up to its prey - a feisty muskrat - on the edge of a snow-covered marsh in Idaho in the United States

Eyes on the prize: A bobcat squares up to its prey - a feisty muskrat - on the edge of a snow-covered marsh in Idaho in the United States

Battle to the death: Photographer Michael Quinton, 60, watched the pair fight as the muskrat put up a valiant last stand against the bobcat

Battle to the death: Photographer Michael Quinton, 60, watched the pair fight as the muskrat put up a valiant last stand against the bobcat

Staring into the jaws of defeat: The bobcat grabs hold of the muskrat and prepares to sink its teeth into its prey

Staring into the jaws of defeat: The bobcat grabs hold of the muskrat and prepares to sink its teeth into its prey

Michael, from Alaska, United States, said: 'The bobcat was sniffing around the edge of the marsh when it cornered the muskrat, which attacked it.

'However, the bobcat quickly killed the muskrat then played with it for a minute or so.

'It then carried it away to eat.

'Bobcats are opportunistic predators and prey on anything they can catch if it is small enough.'

Predator: According to the photographer, the bobcat killed the muskrat quickly then played with it for a minute or so before carrying it away for dinner

Predator: According to the photographer, the bobcat killed the muskrat quickly then played with it for a minute or so before carrying it away for dinner

Not fussy: Bobcats generally prefer rabbits, but will hunt a range of prey from insects and rodents to chickens and even deer

Not fussy: Bobcats generally prefer rabbits, but will hunt a range of prey from insects and rodents to chickens and even deer

The bobcat is a North American member of the Felidae family of cat that is similar to a lynx. They generally prefer rabbits, but will hunt a range of prey from insects and rodents to chickens and even deer.

The muskrat is a semi-aquatic rodent found in wetlands in a wide range of climates and habitats. They are highly regarded by North Americans and some judge winter snowfall levels by the size of their lodge constructions.